Sep 23, 2012

The unstoppable rise of cannabis and its medical cures

The #Lamestream media can no longer steer public opinion towards drug prohibition. The drug war is an overriding failure compounding the economic collapse.  However, that certainly wouldn't stop the Lamestream from citing fallacious studies that purport to evince the harmful effects of marijuana.

(Reuters) - Young men who had smoked marijuana recreationally were twice as likely to be diagnosed with testicular cancer than men who have never used marijuana, according to a U.S. study...."This is the third study consistently demonstrating a greater than doubling of risk of this particularly undesirable subtype of testicular cancer among young men with marijuana use," said Victoria Cortessis of the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, who led the study.
According to the researchers this proves an association between marijuana use and testicular cancer.  The article goes on to say that the risk of mortality resulting from this particular type of cancer, called nonseminoma, isn't "overwhelming".  "According to the American Cancer Society, a man's lifetime risk of getting testicular cancer is about one in 270 - and because effective treatment is available, the risk of dying from the disease is just one in 5,000."

The study is flawed because it does not look into environmental causes, but instead concentrates on recreational drug use alone; alcohol, tobacco, amyl nitrate, marijuana, cocaine.  At least, the author of the article was partially honest and pointed out, "little is known about what causes it".  It goes on to say, " pesticide and hormone exposure have also been associated with the tumors".  Obviously, GMO, pesticides, BPA, Wi-Fi, microwave radiation from cell-phone and telephone towers have much more to do with the causation of cancer than anything else.  In my view, this study is misguided because of its myopic approach to cancer causes and also it completely disregards the toxic grid we live under. The lead researcher of the study goes on to say: 

"I myself feel like we need to take this seriously now," she added, noting that the rates of testicular cancer have been rising inexplicably over the past century.

"Inexplicably" all of a sudden cancer rates are exploding...coincidental, right?  A cursory glance into the issue, devoid of bias, illustrates that our modern technological habitat is directly to blame for the explosion of cancer rates.  

For example, Dr. Avendano and Dr. Jarvi conducted a study which showed a relationship between laptop use and low fertility. 

"It has been shown that sperm motility and DNA fragmentation quality are necessary for normal fertilization," he said. "Therefore, we speculate that the use of [WiFi-connected] portable computers . . . near the testis may decrease sperm quality by a nonthermal effect, and likewise may reduce the chance of pregnancy."

Although, the study was conducted in-vitro it showed that electromagnetic waves have a detrimental effect on cells.  This is not the only study that evinces the association of electromagnetic radiation and their detrimental effect to cells. Dr Neil Cherry's (1964-2003) scientific research into this phenomena delves deeper into this macabre relationship.  

Cellphone use has also been associated with increased rates of brain tumor in 6 studies and eye cancer in one study. Police traffic radar is also shown to be genotoxic through studies associating it with increased rates of testicular cancer. This is a consistent and coherent set of studies confirming that microwaves, radar and police radar are genotoxic

Cherry (2002) shows that natural electromagnetic radiation, the Schumann Resonance signal, when it is modulated by Solar Activity, is associated with modulation of human health effects, including cancer, cardiac, reproductive and neurological diseases and mortality. The study also shows that similar elevated health effects are found in electrical workers and physiotherapists exposed to short wave and microwaves. Since the cellphone radiation exposes the user?s body to about a million times higher and the head to about a billion times higher exposure than the mean Schumann resonance signal, it is scientifically plausible that the same effects will be found from exposure to cellphone radiation. 

I implore you to read more of the studies and research papers that relate to this issue to verify it for yourself. The scientific research squarely places the blame on the electronic smog we are inundated with throughout our lives.  Linking marijuana use to cancer struck me as odd, because of a recent pivotal study that shows Cannabidiol -a chemical compound found in cannabis- stops the metastasis of aggressive in several types of cancer.

(Huffington Post) - A pair of scientists at California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco has found that a compound derived from marijuana could stop metastasis in many kinds of aggressive cancer, potentially altering the fatality of the disease forever.
Independent researchers have demonstrably shown that marijuana users have lower risk of cancer (related: Cannabis smokers show greater lung capacity and lower cancer levels than non-smokers )
Because of the prejudice against this wholesome medicine the medical establishment is hesitant to accept facts.  Moreover, their vitriolic opposition to alternative medicine is due to the vested interest in Big Pharma.  The money is in the treatment of diseases and there's not much money to rake in with cures.

Hemp oil is a miraculous cure against cancer that the medical establishment dare not mention.  Because it goes against everything they've been promoting for decades.  The testimonials speak for themselves: 

This magnificent medical innovation coincides with the massive political movement to decriminalize marijuana.  It has been long overdue and the oppressive totalitarian measures to counter drug usage is an abysmal failure.  In fact, it has only been effective in justifying the Orwellian police state we find ourselves in.

(Huffington Post) Once consigned to the political fringe, marijuana policy is appearing on legislative agendas around the country thanks to an energized base of supporters and an increasingly open-minded public. Lawmakers from Rhode Island to Colorado are mulling medical marijuana programs, pot dispensaries, decriminalization and even legalization. Seventeen states and the District of Columbia now authorize medical marijuana and 14, including neighboring Connecticut and Massachusetts, have rolled back criminal penalties for possession of small amounts of pot.

In the international stage the drug war is a colossal failure with its only meaningful contribution being murder and mayhem.  Colombia, Uruguay, Brazil, Argentina have taken the lead to decriminalize drugs.  Uruguay is going a step further and directly dealing drugs to consumers at a taxable profit.  Latin America has been ravaged by violence spurring from the backwards policy of drug prohibition.  The momentum to decriminalize drugs is exploding and wouldn't be stopped.  The paradigm of yesteryear is in shambles and the time has come to #JustSayNow to drug decriminalization. 

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