The Grower's Market sells its wares every 3rd week of the month |
Our local growers market promotes a culture of self-reliance. How often have you heard a cashier at Wal-mart offer you advise on how to be healthy? The shopkeepers at the farmer's market are so enthusiastic about their wholesome produce they will gladly tell you how to grow it yourself. So what? If you know how to grow your own food, then you don't need to rely on overpriced low quality produce that the big chains push. You wouldn't be at the mercy of inflation, price swings or be affected by a collapse of the chain of supply.
Big stores like Wal-Mart suck out all the wealth out of local economies while giving very little back. How many affluent minimum wage Wal-Mart employees do you know? When this super monster establishes itself in a community it destroys or assimilates any competition. Without competition quality and variety suffer-- meanwhile Wal-Marts' de-facto monopoly leaves you no choice. While it may seem like a good deal to buy "cheap" in the short-term in the long term it decimates local economies.
Danny is a friendly guy who always has really low prices and great advice on how to grow. He recommends TLC (tender loving care) for your plants. |
Surprisingly, I've actually encountered produce at lower prices and greater quantity compared to supermarkets. The farmer's market continues to provide quality through diversified competition. Not only that but you are purchasing directly from a grower who has a fiscal responsibility to offer quality or go bust. Shopping at the farmer's market, actually, produces more wealth locally. Because your dollars are going directly to local producers who in turn spent their proceeds to expand their local business. This self-perpetuating cycle of commerce is what creates affluence in communities. Vote with your dollars and shop wisely.