Bullshit Alert: Officials Say Laredo Border is Well Secured
LAREDO, Texas--Violence across the border is going beyond the absurd. War on drugs is a huge failure and a moral hazard that festers barbaric criminality. How many more thousands of people have to die before the delusion stops? The current death toll in Mexico is more than 60,000! Car bombs, explosions, massacres & mutilations in Nuevo Laredo happen so frequently any Laredoean can hear it both at nights and mornings. Because of its position as America's largest inland port Laredo sees a lot of contraband passing through its gates. Cartels are sophisticated paramilitary organizations with rocket-launchers, grenades, surveillance networks, submarines, fully automatic assault riffles, and countless unemployed jackals ready for a quick buck. The Texas Department of Public Safety has stated that cartels are adopting military tactics and recruiting teens to expand their criminal organization.
Texas Department of Public Safety Director Steven C. McCraw said last week in a report given to Congress that the cartels "incorporate reconnaissance networks, techniques and capabilities normally associated with military organizations, such as communications intercepts, interrogations, trend analysis, secure communications, coordinated military-style tactical operations, GPS, thermal imagery and military armaments, including fully automatic weapons, rocket-propelled grenades and hand grenades."
Not only that, cartels have established training camps 100 miles outside of the city (not the only camp in the US see this).
The flow of drugs hast not slowed, in-fact, it's so profitable that it caught the attention of many criminals with badges. Laredo PD Officers, border patrol and the Sheriff's deputies have been caught repeatedly smuggling drugs into our side of the border.
Meanwhile in fairy land, local law enforcement agents assure that they can secure the border in case of a spillover:
Acting Deputy Chief William Jenkins with the Border Patrol in the Laredo sector said, "For Laredo sector you're talking about 1900 law enforcement officers that alone just the Border Patrol. We work with all our other law enforcement buddies here. we got the sheriff's office, LPD, FBI, ATF, cbp port of entry."
Two of the highest government expenditures in Webb County are the Justice system & Corrections and "Rehabilitation". Webb county is spending so much on its justice system because of drug-related crime.
Take into account that Webb County is facing budget cuts, $11 million deficit and a slowed economy. This problem is not going to go away any time soon. And obviously a tougher crack down on drugs will only exacerbate the situation. Continuing the phony war on drugs will bankrupt our local economy. Not only that but consider all the lives wrecked by our penal system. The real solution that is not talked about is drug decriminalization. However, the solution our local representatives have is to get "tough on crime" or institute a "zero-tolerance" policy. These approaches only create more criminals, disparity and wasted potential. LEGALIZE FREEDOM NOW!
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